Funding Fitted to Your Precise Business.  Financing Built for Your Business Real Estate.

Capital Facilitators

iStock gold safe

You own a business: it takes money to make it work.

You own income property, either business or multi-family residential: it takes money to finance, maintain and market that make it work.

You own both, at the same location — commerce done from a commercial building, and you operate both: each is relying on the other in order to prosper...and that takes money to make them both work together.

We open the vault to multiple sources of that crucial cash, to the money it takes to make everything work.
Let us package and present your financing needs to those sources, at NO COST to you.

Let us facilitate your access to the capital that will fund your success.



Contact us:



Or complete the form below:

We can meet and discuss your business or commercial property monetary needs and goals, by phone, by video...or, if you're local, in-person. Whatever works best for you.  Some contact information and a few details is all it takes to get the process started.  Again, our presentation of your financing objectives is FREE to you.

We really do look forward to ushering you into that vault, and seeing your business endeavors and/or commercial property ownership reach new levels of success which can only be achieved with new capital.


Capital Facilitators © 2024          530-255-4152