A SAMPLE list of the Property Types for which we have several sources of funding.
Real EstateCommercial buildings with more general use capacity like retail, warehouse or office space.
These include:
- Office Buildings
- Retail Stores
- Warehouses
- Self-Storage Buildings
- Automotive Repair Shops
PropertyCommercial buildings with multiple units zoned for different uses, such as residential, commercial, industrial and institutional.
Business owners may live in one of the residential units while operating out of the commercial space.
Investors function as landlord for both spaces.
PropertyApartment buildings with five (5) or more dwellings.
Larger developments are always welcome, but we also have programs for smaller complexes.
Residential Rental
PropertyProperties owned as income-producing rentals, such as single family homes, townhouses, condominiums and small apartment buildings (no more than 4 dwellings).
Capital Facilitators © 2024 530-255-4152 cash@capitalfacilitators.com